The International Conference on “Mathematics, Statistics
And Applied Sciences
(ICMSAS-24)” is organised by Labtech Innovations on theon November 18 and 19, 2024, in Chennai, India.


Labtech Innovations, Chourai Nagar, Somatne Phata, Talegaon, Pune, Maharashtra, India - 410506

9870212621 /+91-7020996341/ +91-8530698242

// Submission Opportunities

Paper/Abstract Submission

The purpose of this upcoming engineering education conference peru is to let young and experienced researchers worldwide share recent innovations and breakthroughs in relevant fields. Labtech calls for abstract and full paper submissions relevant to the following topics (but not limited to)

// Submission

Paper Submission Guideline

  • Submit your Abstract / Full Paper via online Submission or email to
  • After submission, you will receive an acknowledgement of the receipt via email within three working days.
  • If you do not hear back, please immediately write to us.
  • The paper should be in the format strictly specified on the paper template.
  • The paper should be 1.5 spacing with Times New Roman 10 font and a single column according to the .doc paper submission template (in .doc or .docx format) with less plagiarism.
  • Submission through Mail ID must contain the Full names of the authors as well as  Co-Authors Names, Phone Numbers.  The names should match the university records. The details  entered will be reflected in the Acceptance letter.
  • Remember, not to submit the same paper multiple times; which may lead to the cancellation of an article/paper.
  • All the papers will be checked with advanced plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin or iThenticate.
  • Prospective authors are encouraged to submit full papers immediately if their abstract is accepted and they have paid the Fee.
// Paper Submission


Prospective authors are encouraged to submit your Article/Review/Research Paper (including all text, figures and references) through the 

Submit your paper on email with Conference Name and Venue details at

// FAQ

Paper Submission FAQ

Welcome to our Paper Submission FAQ section. These FAQ’s are designed to provide clarity and guidance to the authors interested in submitting their work on our platform. We understand that the submission process can be both exciting and daunting, which is why we’ve compiled this resource to address your questions and concerns.

1. How Do I Submit My Abstract Or Paper?

Submit your paper in the given Labtech template using our submission link or if you find any difficulty, send it via email to

2. Can The Submission Date Be Extended?

Prospective authors are requested to submit the abstract or full paper on or before the deadline. Consideration can be given if the author has a valid reason (Natural Calamities, Maternity Leave, Health Issues, Political Issues).

3. How Many Pages Are Allowed For A Full Paper Or A Camera-Ready Paper?

6 to 10 pages are allowed in a research article.

4. What Is The Price For Extra Pages, If Any?

Prices can vary depending on the journal.

5. What Is The Word Limit Of The Abstract?

200 to 250 words are allowed per abstract.

6. Is It Necessary To Include My Biography In The Abstract?

Yes, adding your short biography (100 - 150 words) is mandatory.

7. How can I present my paper if I am unable to attend the conference in person?

You can opt for a virtual presentation, either through a Live Video Presentation or a PowerPoint Virtual Presentation.

8. What equipment do I need for a Live Video Presentation?

A laptop with a headset or a desktop with a webcam and microphone/headset, along with an updated Chrome browser.

9. How does the PowerPoint Virtual Presentation option work?

Simply submit your PowerPoint presentation with embedded video and/or audio. It will be uploaded on the conference website.

10. Will my abstract be included if I choose a virtual presentation?

Yes, abstracts for virtual presentations will be published in the Abstract Book.

11. Is there an opportunity to publish my work in the conference proceedings for virtual presentations?

 Absolutely, opting for a virtual presentation provides the opportunity to publish your work in the conference proceedings.